01297 579167

About my practice -
My aim is to use my experience to assist you with a professional and friendly service encompassing;
Architectural Design & Drafting
Building Engineering and Surveying
Party Wall Surveying
Specialising in Architectural Design & Drafting, I produce building specifications and design drawings include full 3D visualisation using the latest Autodesk 'Revit' - CAD & BIM system.
Through some 35 years experience, the knowledge and experienced I have gained has given me a valuable insight into successfully extending your home.
I am a 'Chartered Building Engineer' and a professional member of The Chartered Association of Building Engineers. The association expects members to "carry out their work with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for the professional and technical standards expected of them".
Throughout my career, I have continually developed my knowledge and understanding of construction standards and techniques, developing my I.T. skills to allow an effective and cost competitive service.
Where necessary, I will consider the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 on your behalf - I am fully qualified and a professional member of The Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors.
I am based in Devon and work throughout the South West of England, primarily in Devon and our neighbouring counties of Dorset, Somerset & Cornwall.
Andrew David Seller C.BuildE MCABE MFPWS
South West
01297 579167
Party Wall Surveying Ltd - Company Reg. Number 10856157
360 Degree (SW) Ltd - Company Reg. Number 13390331
9 Wessiters Seaton Devon EX12 2PW